Green, Green, gray, Brown, Black
Colorless, Reddish, White, pink, Green, Yellow, Violet, White, pink, Green, Yellow, Violet, White, Colorless, Blue, Green, Brown, Yellow, pink, Violet, White, pink, Green, Yellow, Violet
Greenish, White, Greenish, White
Conchoidal, Brittle, Metallic, Conchoidal, Handbook of mineralogy (2001)
Uneven, UnevenArthur Thomas, Gemstones (2009)
(Mg,Fe2+ ) 3Si 2O 5(OH) 4Anthony et al , Handbook of mineralogy (2001)
KCa 4Si 8O 20(F,OH) · 8H 2OUlrich Henn and Claudio C.
Waxy, Silky, Resinous, Greasy
Vitreous, Pearly