
Chrysanthemum Stone
Chrysanthemum Stone


Chrysanthemum Stone

Facts about Chrysanthemum Stone and Franklinite

1 Astrology
1.1 Origin
Not Available
1.2 Color
Brown, Red, Black, Brownish
1.3 Streak
Not Available
Reddish, Brown, Reddish, Brown
1.4 For which Rashi?
Aquarius, All, Taurus, Aquarius, All, Taurus, Aquarius
Not Available
1.5 Planet
Not Available
Not Available
1.6 Element of Planets
Not Available
1.7 How to Wear?
1.7.1 Finger
Not Available
Not Available
1.7.2 Ring Metal
Not Available
Not Available
1.8 Energy
Projective, Receptive
Not Available
1.9 Deities
Not Noted
Not Available
1.10 Not to wear with
Not Available
Not Available
1.11 Powers
Not Available
Not Available
1.12 Birthstone
1.12.1 Planetary
Not Available
Not Available
1.12.2 Talisman
Not Available
Not Available
2 Physical Properties
2.1 Tenacity
Not Available
Not Available
2.2 Solubility
Not Available
Not Available
2.3 Durability
Not Available
Not Available
2.4 Specific Gravity
Not Available
2.5 Fracture
Not Available
Uneven, Uneven, ConchoidalAnthony et al, Handbook of mineralogy (2001)
2.6 Cleavage
Not Available
2.7 Mohs Hardness
2.8 Chemical Composition
Not Available
(Zn,Mn2+ ,Fe2+ )(Fe3+ ,Mn3+ ) 2O 4Anthony et al , Handbook of mineralogy (2001)
3 Optical Properties
3.1 Luster
Not Available
Not Available
3.2 Pleochroism
Not Available
Not Available
3.3 Dispersion
Albite Specific..
Not Available
Rank: N/A (Overall)
Not Available
Rank: N/A (Overall)
Fluorite Specifications
3.4 Transparency
Not Available
3.5 Refractive Index
Not Available
Not Available
3.6 Optic Character
Not Available
Not Available
3.7 Crystal System
Not Available
Isometric Hexoctahedral H-M Symbol (4/m 3 2/m) Space Group: F d3m
3.8 Birefringence
Not Available
Not Available
3.9 Clarity
Not Available
4 Benefits
4.1 Physical
4.1.1 Neurological
Not Available
Not Available
4.1.2 Cardiovascular
Not Available
Not Available
4.1.3 Respiratory
Not Available
Not Available
4.1.4 Reproductive
Not Available
Not Available
4.1.5 Digestive
Not Available
Not Available
4.2 Psychology
Not Available
Not Available
4.3 Healing
Not Available
Not Available
4.4 Qualities Associated
Not Available
Not Available

Chrysanthemum Stone Vs Franklinite Specifications

While buying, there is a common bewilderment that most of the buyers face. As you compare Chrysanthemum Stone Vs Franklinite specifications, it helps you to decide which gemstone suits your zodiac sign. Besides, the extent to which a gemstone benefits you can be understood after comparing Chrysanthemum Stone and Franklinite Astrology. Its highly necessary to have a basic knowledge of facts about Chrysanthemum Stone and Franklinite, before you finalize to buy one.

Chrysanthemum Stone is known to regulate the influence of Not Available planet.Chrysanthemum Stone, that occurs commonly in Black color, possesses Projective and Receptive energy.Franklinite, the unique gem is known to regulate the influence of Not Available planet.